Monday, December 2, 2013

Places I Like to Farm - Episode 2

Picking back up where we left off last time, let's take a look at another fun farming spot. This location isn't as profitable as the last one, but it's great for getting Shaohao rep, as well as the occasional gear upgrade for that little left behind alt. 

Before we start head out to the local Darkmoon Faire, since it's in town this week and hop of the Darkmoon Carousel. This will give you the "Whee" buff which grants you an extra 10% xp and rep bonus for everything you kill.

Now off to the Timeless Isle! Talk to Kairoz once you get there, and accept the Empowering the Hourglass quest. Next head over to Emperor Shaohao and pick up the Path of the Mistwalker Quest. Alright, that should get us set up, so we can head over to Firewalker Ruins. Before we start killing every Ordon in sight make sure and down a trust potion of luck for extra treasure finding goodness. 

Don't forget to open every little hidden chest or basket inbetween collecting your Epoch Stones and killing 20 Elites. Pay attention to people of the opposite faction in this area as well. If you tend to play during peak play hours you might deal with a bit of ganking. That being said, if you tend to respect others no matter the faction, you usually don't have to deal with too many gankers.

Turn the clock forward 20 or 25 minutes, turn in those completed quests and lets see how much loot we ended up with.

Gold looted + vendored Grays - 200 gold
Greens - 150 gold
Potions - 7g
Banquet -12g

Total of ....
738 gold

Bonus ...
Valor - 250
Shaohao Rep ~ 1000

Double Bonus

Not as good as the last place we tried farming, but we did get a little bit closer to earning enough rep and timeless coins to get the beautiful Heavenly Golden Cloud Serpent. Not to mention we made some gold and had some fun along the way.

Love you lots little gold goblins and gnomes!
Until tomorrow,
~ Turbos

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