Saturday, November 2, 2013

Create some Bank Alts

Okay so yesterday we talked about a few addons to try out and download. Now the next step to do is to create a bank alt so you have a place to mail all of your excess goodies to sell, or stock up on your profession goods. What you need for a bank alt is just to make a new character and run them to a city with an auction house.

I tend to like Night Elves on the Alliance side (just an asthetic choice), and Stormwind is the busiest city Alliance side on my server. Here's a pic of my little bank alt! (maybe it will inspire you)

On Horde side I love the Undead, but I missed my friend who I used to play with in Vanilla WoW who was a Troll, so I made a little Troll in her honor and ran her to Orgrimmar. (the busiest city Horde side on my server at least)

A couple little tips to keep in mind when making a bank alt. 

As far as classes go:

Mages have blink
Rogues have sprint
Druids have a sprint
and Worgen do too

All of these will make getting back and forth between the Auction House and the Bank or Mailbox quicker.

As far as names go...

If you want to be famous (good or bad) name your characters close to your main to help people remember who you are.
If you want to remain anonymous name your character something completely different and be careful who you give your battle tag too, because they will be able to see all of your characters including your bank alt.

One more thing I recommend making a bank alt on both factions even if you primarily only play on one side. I'll get more into that later.

If you made a new bank alt today Congrats! You just took the next step to making some more Gold!

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