Sunday, November 17, 2013

How to Mailbox!

Everybody knows about the mailbox. There's usually some Night Elf or Troll dancing on top of it or someone on their huge gigantimus (ya that's right gigantimus) Travelers Tundra Mammoth trying to hide it from everyone.

So let's look at some things that might help you make better use of the mailbox. If you only have 1 alt you can always mail stuff back and forth between characters to basically create extra bag space for yourself. Albeit you gotta remember to check your mail at least every 30 days so that you don't risk those items getting deleted.

How do you mailbox? Chances are, if you are new to the game, you click on each piece of mail, open it, then click whatever items or gold are inside there, but did you know you can just "Shift + Click" on a mail item and instantly have the items or gold pop into your inventory? I know! What a time saver!

But that's not the only time saver I've got for you today little gold goblin Oh no. Let's go back to our add-ons! Hopefully by now you took the time out of your busy day to download Postal. If not go download it and install it. (I'll wait) .... Okay great now that we've got it install let's see why it's awesome.

That's right, one button to open them all! That's it. You hit that one button and up to 50 mails at a time get opened and the loot inside them pops into your inventory. So when you have too many pieces of mail sitting in your inbox when you log on, walk over to the mailbox hit "Open All", go make yourself a nice cup of coffee, and comeback to all of your gold and items in your bags waiting for you. Now if you get impatient like me and you don't like waiting for Postal to refresh your mail every 50 items then you can always type "/console reloadui" and it will refresh them more quickly!

Okay, I know this isn't really a gold specific making tip, but it is a time saving tip which will allow you to spend more time making gold! Like the Goblins say, "Time is money friend!"

Love you little gold goblins and gnomes!
Until tomorrow,

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