Tuesday, November 12, 2013

How to ... Auctionator! (part 1)

Let's take a brief look at how to use Auctionator. After learning how to install our add-on yesterday let's get that fresh lovely little bank alt out and visit an Auction House.

One of the first things you'l notice here is the addition of a few extra tabs. The big one you're going to use is the Sell tab.

Click that tab and you'll see a whole new funky page with tons of little buttons and inputs. The first thing you want to do, since you haven't used this add-on before, is to do a Full Scan. This is going to take a few minutes so go grab yourself a nice cup of coffee or strike up a conversation with your favorite auctioneer (which by default has to be Jaxon). What is a full scan? Why are we doing it? A full scan takes an inventory of everything listed in the auction house at the moment you scan it along with it's price. This allows you to have a rough idea of what items go for. Now to get a more informed idea of an average price for an individual item you are going to want to scan everyday for a week (or months for an even more accurate idea).

Now that we know what the going rate is for an item lets put it up for sale. So take the item that you want to sell and click and drop it in the little window (as seen below). If your full scan has seen this item before it will give you the last known price and auto input it in the Buyout price slot. If that is the price you want to list it for double, check the Duration you want the item up on the auction house for (48 hours as seen below), if that is not correct you can switch it to the desired time you want (12, 24, or 48 hours) then click the big red Create Auction button.

Yatta! You've now listed an item on the Auction House using Auctionator. It might seem like a lot of steps, but with a little practice this system is a lot more informed, easy to use, and faster than using the default Auction House set up. So get out there little gold goblins and gnomes,start trying out your new add-on, and most of all start making yourself a lot of gold!

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