Friday, November 15, 2013

Moving Money (Le Part 2)

Yesterday we talked about how to move money across faction or servers via pets. Today let's look at a different method, the Neutral Auction House.

First off, this method only deals with cross faction money movement. Okay, so a while back we talked about making a Neutral Auction House alt. Now it's time to pull those little guys out and put them to work. (Zug Zug). The best way to do this is with two separate wow accounts. I personally have about 6 (though most I don't keep active anymore), but you only need 2. So get one of your alts out to the Neutral Auction House. I personally love the Booty Bay version, but there is always alternatives.

Figure out which side you want the money on and have that character list an item (it doesn't matter what the item is if you just want to move money). Below I listed a Blue Sapphire. Now don't click Create Auction yet.

Switch over to your second account where your alt should be waiting at that same auction house and type in the name of the item in the search bar.

Now go back to the seller account and create the auction. As quickly as you can switch back to the second account and hit that search button. Up pops the auction you just listed. Click buyout and accept the prompt. You just moved gold from one side to the other and an item from one side to the other.

Now here are somethings to be aware of. Some people called snipers are just waiting for you to list your items for cheap so if it is an item that you want to move across factions sell it for a high price to yourself you will take a little bit of an auction house cut, but if it's a high enough priced item you will still make the money you need when you sell it to someone else. 

Another thing to try when moving items or gold cross faction is to do it really late at night or very early in the morning when most people are sleeping, so if you don't have much money on the other side and need to move items the chance of your items being sniped from you is much slimmer. I know from experience. I lost a stack of 10x Glyph of Angels the second day of 5.4 and ended up costing me about 8000g in profits lost to the auctioneer who bought them out from under me and resold them.

Now you may ask, why bother with selling cross faction when you only really play on one side? Well, for me the effort and time spent selling to both factions just about doubles what I make per week compared to when I just sold to one side. Some weeks one side will just destroy the other in profits. So in my opinion it is definitely worth getting your product out to more potential buyers.

Alright gold goblins and gnomes,
Until tomorrow,
~ Turbos

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