Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Netherweave, Netherweave Everywhere

So every week for the last, who knows how long I try and run through Black Temple to see if I can get my grubby little rogue hands on those beautiful Warglaives of Azzinoth!

(as you can guess they still didn't drop)

Along with a bunch of greens, some transmog items, and lots of vendor trash, running the Black Temple every week leaves you with tons of Netherweave Cloth! Time to mail it all off to your friendly neighborhood Tailor.

Now let's get to making some bolts! (Aka time to go make some coffee!)
Now that we've got a bajillion bolts, go buy yourself some Rune Thread, and start making a ton of bags!
(Aka time to go refill that cup of coffee)

Now that we have a ton of Netherweave Bags mail them off to your bank alt and start rolling in the gold!

Netherweave Bags always sell so even when you don't want to farm for the cloth yourself if you find it cheap enough on the Auction House buy it out, make your own bags, and list them up for a profit!

Until tomorrow my lovely little gold goblins and gnomes,
~ Turbos

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